We finally finished the new fence!
We stopped a few weeks ago about 8 ft short of the end because the old fence's last corner post was also holding up more of the neighbor's dilapidated fence. When we took it down it would make their other fence section even less stabile. Marco finally figured out how to shift the position of our last post so we didn't have to take the old corner post out. Way to think out of the box, honey!

So we took out the next to last old post, concrete and all, and put our new post near it.

Once we added the crossbeams perfectly level with the ground, we were ready to put up doors.

You can see the neighbor's old fence in the background.

Toby REALLY wanted to escape and go on an adventure. He kept slowly peeking around the corner to see if the coast was clear.

I even caught him in the act of slowly stretching a paw over! My little sneaky sneaky!

Then he looked at me with sad eyes. Can I pleeeeease just go on an adventure?
We got it all up and painted after all. Doesn't the finished fence look great?

My neighbor's view


At the front of the house we wanted to block off the sidewalk on the side, essentially creating a fenced in back yard.

Marco used a door with a bunch of broken glass panels that we pulled out of someone's bulk trash pile.

He knocked out the rest of the glass, scraped caulked and primed it up, and cut a few inches off the top and bottom to bring down the size.

We attached it to some reclaimed posts (read: some more stuff we found on the street as trash) and framed out the opening next to it. Then we attached wire, hinges, a latch and painted it all the same green as the rest of the fence. It looks great!

It retains the open feel, but keeps the back yard, and my dogs running around in it, secure.

Next up: refinishing the floors again, painting walls, and getting the showroom downstairs ready for business.
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